Sunday, 18 February 2024

Leonardo Da Vinci’s, A cloudburst ...

1st Sunday of Lent

Leonardo Da Vinci’s, A cloudburst of material possessions c1506 -12 
Black chalk pen and ink

"From thunderclouds a deluge of objects fall to earth – rakes, ladders, lanterns, bagpipes, shears, spectacles and so on – and written below  is the lament 'Oh human misery, how many things you must serve for money.'

What might be a straightforward allegory of human materialism is complicated by a lion prowling in the clouds at top left, its head in two positions and the note above, ‘on this side Adam, on that, Eve’. If related to the drawing, the note might suggest the labours that mankind was subjected to after the Fall, contrasted with the unencumbered nobility of the lion"

Text adapted from Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing, Martin Clayton, 2018

I was only able to see the second face (Eve, on the right of the lion), by superimposing yellow Brolly fabric on this section.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Original Valentine's day story

 Happy Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine of Italy was born in 226AD Temi, Italy and died 14 February 269AD in Rome.  

The most famous miracle attributed to St Valentine is believed to have happened via a letter he sent to a blind girl.  The girl miraculously gained her sight to read the note.

In modern times, some people exchange cards and gifts such as flowers, chocolates and have a special meal to mark the occasion as a token gesture of love!

Some drinks that are good for the heart include: water, beetroot juice and carrot juice.  Healthy heart foods include: tomatoes, bell peppers, grapes and dark chocolate.

The red and yellows aspects of the sample artwork below are made from a broken umbrella.