Wednesday 9 September 2015

Solar Still Brolly (part 2)…Eureka Moment!

First Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II for being the longest serving British monarch.

Now here’s potentially a general quick hit to both the rising sea levels and drought issue

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Solar Still (Part 1)

Solar Still Brolly…(Part 1)
We had nearly 2 weeks worth of rain, (according to some), for the August 2015 bank holiday!  Some people around the world are experiencing drought. With rising sea levels, there must be scope to disperse excess water onto dry land then distilling it for practical use. Broken clear plastic brollies could be use as the item that the internal evaporated water drips from and into the container see Wikipedia Solar Still 

On a larger scale make wider holes in the humid soil and use bigger basins !