Saturday, 30 October 2021

Other October Observations

In her 1905 Nature Notes, (The Nature Notes of An Edwardian Lady, published 1989), Edith Holden

 'Oct. 6th. There is a fine harvest of beech-mast this year, the ground beneath the trees is strewn with empty shells and ripe kernals and there are still plenty to fall.  The foliage of the Beech tree is just beginning to turn its' rich golden red, the Horse-chestnuts have long since put on their Autumn glory of gold.'

So there is a beech mast in 1905, we had an oak mast in 2020, do these trees alternate in having excess 
seeds by year?

 'Oct. 19th. Bright frosty morning.  Walked through the fields to get some leaves and berries...'

As of today, 30th October 2021, we have had no frost this month.

Friday, 29 October 2021

October  Revisited

Acorn Sketch revisited

I compiled this acorn sketch in October 2019. On 10th October 1906 Edith mentions that she, 'brought home some of the fruit of the Wild Service tree and some Acorns, to paint.'

There were no acorns on the oak tree in our garden this year.  However, there was a plethora of acorns in 2020.