Six Years of this Blog.
So six years have gone by since I started this blog. A wide range of topics have been covered including using the broken umbrella (brolly) for: Arts – sketching on them, Crafts – cutting out shapes and using as appliques, covering garden pots, methods to help produce and heat water, the metal frame as a inference for use in the circular economy and much more.Now for something a little bit different. Whilst viewing historic literature on gardening, I came across the frontispiece used on one of John Gerard’s (1545 -1612), book ‘The Herball or Generall History of Plantes’ 1597. I am amazed at the number of plants displayed in one setting – for that time period. They did not have the photo editing software then that we have now! So for this piece, I am going to focus on Sweet corn! Why – well providing that it is not genetically modified, it is great to eat and has: essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. Other health benefits: it is a good source of the antioxidants carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin which promote eye health! (source Mayo Clinic Health System).The sweetcorn impression is sketched on yellow brolly fabric . The green background is also taken from a bust brolly!